In the Community
St. Columba's Outreach Ministry responds to needs in the community, nation, and world, providing a helping hand in the spirit of Jesus Christ through prayer and action by members of the congregation. It also recommends charitable expenditures to St. Columba’s Vestry. Some of the agencies we support, either financially or with the involvement of parish members as volunteers, are included below.
If you wish to become more involved with St. Columba’s outreach ministries or any of our programs, please email the Parish Office.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center
Provides a wide range of social services, meals and food in our community for those in need. In addition to providing financial support through our outreach ministry, St. Columba’s parishioners volunteer at the Center.
The Fifth Loaf
St. Columba's is resuming donations to the Martin Luther King food panty. Each month we will be asking for specific needs where the shelves are deficient. Baskets will be in the back of the church as well as the parish hall for our contributions which will be delivered as the end of the month. If each of us will donate just one of these items we will share in the feeding of the 5,000.
January needs
Canned vegetables
Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders cares for people affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, natural and human-made disasters, and exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries.
Episcopal Charities
Our Bishop’s discretionary fund supports charitable agencies and programs throughout the diocese of R.I.
Episcopal Relief and Development
Provides aid and relief in this country and in developing countries.
Lucy's Hearth
Provides transitional housing for women with children. In addition to providing financial support through our Outreach Ministry, St. Columba’s parishioners and friends attend workshops in the parish hall to make Christmas wreaths and centerpieces for Lucy’s Hearth’s annual wreath sale, their major fund raiser.
Women's Resource Center
Assistance to women and children who are victims of domestic violence. St. Columba’s Outreach Ministry provides financial support.